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NYSSA The New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Articles Tagged “Albany Report”

Volume 76 Number 3

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

Two California Hospitals Face the Consequences of Allowing Nurse Anesthetists to Practice Unsupervised Reports of patient harm and anesthesia-related deaths led to the loss of CMS accreditation for two California hospitals that allowed nurse anesthetists to practice unsupervised. The California Department of Health’s investigations of the two hospitals resulted in a finding of “immediate jeopardy” […]

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Volume 76 Number 2

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

NYSSA’s 39th Annual Legislative Day The NYSSA’s in-person Legislative Day was held on May 7, 2024, and included 50 members representing every NYSSA district. We greatly appreciate the efforts of these dedicated individuals. Based on the strong participation of our members, we were able to schedule appointments with or to drop off materials to various […]

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Volume 76 Number 1

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

On December 19, 2023, various New York Assembly standing committees conducted a joint hearing on the status of the healthcare workforce in New York state.

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Volume 75 Number 1

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

Under the leadership of Government and Legal Affairs Committee Chair Dr. Jonathan Gal and vice chairs Dr. Farzana Afroze and Dr. Ansara Vaz, and in collaboration with NYSSA Executive Director Stuart Hayman, Albany lobbyist Bob Reid, and me, the 2023 GLAC agenda was presented to the committee members during the annual PGA meeting in December 2022.

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Volume 75 Number 2

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

The NYSSA’s in-person Legislative Day was held on May 9, 2023, and included members from every district. We greatly appreciate the efforts of these dedicated members. Conducting an in-person meeting requires additional planning and preparation.

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Volume 75 Number 3

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

Once again, there was intense lobbying by the New York State Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NYSANA) to move this legislation forward, as well as a last-minute amendment by New York state Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky, chair of the Committee on Higher Education, in an apparent attempt to move the legislation out of this committee in the final days of the session.

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Volume 75 Number 4

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

The physician anesthesiologist is the most qualified individual to administer anesthesia, either personally or through medical supervision of the nurse anesthetist, in nearly every surgical case requiring anesthesia.

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