Articles Tagged “Case Report”
Paradoxical Breathing in a Patient Undergoing CT-Guided Needle Biopsy Under Propofol Sedation
Maricka Bennett, M.S., Joanna Serafin, Ph.D., and Kara M. Barnett, M.D., FASA, SAMBA-F Introduction Propofol is a commonly administered anesthetic due to its ease of titration to a desired level as well as its safety profile. However, propofol administration in a patient with a natural airway can lead to respiratory depression, hypoxia and, less commonly, […]
Read the articleFire in the Hole! A Case of Intraoperative Fire Originating in the Thoracic Cavity
Operating room (OR) fires are rare but can be catastrophic. OR fires are considered “never events,” but even with practice advisories in place and training for OR staff, they continue to be a threat in the perioperative setting. Recent data from the Emergency Care Research Institute estimates that between 200 and 240 surgical fires occur annually in the U.S., with 20 to 30 resulting in severe injury and two to three resulting in mortality.
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